Connecting Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Professionals across the Tampa Bay region and beyond
About Skål
Skål is the only international organization that brings together all branches of the travel, and tourism and hospitality industry. Representing the industry’s managers and executives, Skålleagues meet at local, national and international levels in an environment of friendship to discuss subjects of common interest. The first Club was founded in Paris in 1934 by travel trade managers who had been on an educational tour of Scandinavia. Skål now has more than 12,000 members in over 300 Clubs, spread throughout 76 countries. Skal Tampa Bay was founded on September 25, 1959.
Meetings are usually held on the 2nd Monday of each month with the exception of August. Our club has three special-event meetings every year; one of which is our Installation and Past President Recognition Dinner another is our Annual Holiday Party/Wine Pull and Auction and our newest is our Annual Salute To Tourism, where we award deserving members and industry leaders for their commitment to tourism. Event days are subject to change based on venue availability.